Thursday, July 26, 2007

Short post

We're going to Vermont for a week-long vacation this Saturday.

AF agreed that we could give JF epsom salt foot-baths before bed to try to calm him down. (JF has had insomnia, difficulty falling asleep at bedtime for months.) But when he bought a carton of epsom salts, the age-specific directions frightened him. So now I'm waiting for him to call the pediatrician to make sure it's okay to use on a 4-year-old. I'm frustrated because I can't find anything on the Internet that says epsom salt baths have been proven safe for children. It's like trying to find an article on the safety of H2O!

I finally went to the doctor yesterday for myself after two weeks of diarrhea. (You don't mind if talk about diarrhea, do you?) The nurse-practitioner that I saw is a very nice lady who actually listens to me, and anticipates my concerns. She also mentioned that her son has Asperger's. I wanted to ask her more about him, but I didn't want to be nosy. Anyway, she said I might have irritable bowel syndrome. She suggested I get more fiber and water. (I probably have been skimping on the fiber since I started the GFCF diet.) She also had me give some stool samples to the lab.

We took JF to a follow-up visit with the neurologist on Tuesday. She (the neurologist) said we should gradually reduce the Lamotrigine (generic Lamictal) until we start seeing seizures again. This will tell us what JF's dosage should be. During this visit, I tried to persuade the doctor that his epilepsy, autism, allergies, asthma, and frequent illnesses are caused by nutritional deficiencies. Her response was to refer us to a gastroenterologist. Better than nothing, I guess. But the best part of the visit was the doctor's suggestion that we conduct our own blind trial to prove the effectiveness of probiotics on JF. Two out of the next four times that JF is on antibiotics, AF will give JF probiotics without telling me which two times he's doing it. It will be my job to report to AF when I see the negative effects of the antibiotics. Isn't that a great idea?


Mom without a manual said...

I hope you have a great vacation!

And I eagerly await the results of your probiotic test...

Anonymous said...

We're just over our Triennial IEP so now we too have a barrage of different tests to follow up on.
Wishing you stamina!

Anonymous said...

That is a great idea!
Can't say from my own clinical trials, that the probiotics has much effect one way or another, but there again, I am the subject of the trial [dang that liquid diet!]

mjsuperfan said...

That is a great idea about the probiotics! Did she say what kind you should use? I'm thinking of ordering a powdered form that I can hide in other food.

Hope you are feeling better. i think all the women in my family have IBS to some extent. I hadn't thought of drinking more water, but I'm sure I should. It's good that you are taking care of yourself, too.